Company News

The latest news, updates, and press releases about Dead River Company. You’ll find articles about our community support, corporate responsibility initiatives, employee achievements, as well as company awards and milestones.

New Dead River Company facility offers workforce training programs

May 08, 2023
The Dead River Institute offers oil and propane technician apprenticeships, oil-heat technician programs, and delivery driver training.

Dead River Company Launches Dead River Institute North

May 01, 2023
Dead River Company and Eastern Maine Community College are teaming up to provide free workforce training to students. Located on Hammond Street in Bangor, Dead River Institute North is a new training facility that offers a variety of programs for technicians. DRI North is preparing to graduate its inaugural Oil Burner Technician Class.

‘Fuel Your Love’ Helps Give A Warm Valentine’s Day Surprise

February 14, 2023
Several lucky Valentine's in the Houlton & Millinocket area received the gift of fuel from their heating oil supplier thanks to a fun campaign called "Fuel Your Love."

Jayna from "The Calais Advertiser" Rides Along with Dead River Company Driver for Fuel Your Love

February 14, 2023
Local oil companies took part in this year's Fuel Your Love campaign. This annual tradition is organized by the Maine Energy Marketers Association and supported by heating oil companies like Dead River Company. Each Valentine’s Day, thousands of gallons of liquid are delivered – absolutely free, and this year, Jayna was invited to tag along!

Dead River Company presents United Ways of Maine with $20K check for heating assistance

January 26, 2023
According to United Ways of Maine, this money alone will help heat more than 1,200 homes with at least 100 gallons of fuel as we enter the heart of the winter season.
